Image courtesy of Mark43
Children are constantly drilled to remember a combination of numbers that one should call should there be an emergency (e.g., 911 in the United States).
The first line of support an emergency caller receives is from the dispatch operator; therefore, dispatchers should be equipped with cutting-edge technology to communicate both internally and externally.
But as technology continues to evolve, what is required to enhance the workflow process in terms of public safety answering points (PSAPs)? Dan Twohig, vice president of Next Generation Core Services for Software at Motorola Solutions, answers this question by stating, “We need a flexible paradigm that eliminates siloed systems and instead delivers seamless, intelligent operability across all workflows in the public safety platform as a service.”1
Many company executives agree with Twohig and hope to provide first responders with computer-aided dispatch (CAD) and 911 systems that increase productivity and are easy-to-use and inexpensive.
Dispatch Suites
Remote work, cloud-based solutions, and unrelenting cyber attacks are only some of the reasons behind enhancing an agency’s dispatch system.
Motorola Solutions, headquartered out of Chicago, Illinois, offers CommandCentral as an alternative solution to the legacy technology an agency may have been previously using. This is an integrated end-to-end software that unifies public safety data from the first call until the case is closed.
Using Motorola call routing and handling solutions, the operator can implement the Emergency Services IP Network, which includes around-the-clock proactive monitoring and surveillance. To eliminate any overflow, the Motorola Solutions call-routing service automatically routes calls to specific locations based on the PSAPs’ established policy rules. These include routing wireless voice calls to the CAD positions equipped with Integrated Call Control at the secondary PSAP, as well as calls with visual content being routed to the call handling positions using CommandCentral Citizen Input. Operators can also utilize CommandCentral Smart Transcription, which transcribes the 911 audio in real time, decreasing the load on the call taker’s memory and providing validation of missed words and phrases within the conversation. As the scene unfolds, the PSAP is able to use a map to follow what is happening with the integration of Motorola Solutions call handling and CommandCentral Aware.
Because each application is located within a central platform, the Command-Central suite allows information to flow freely throughout the incident to all teams who need to collaborate and respond on a call. “When all the data are available, the PSAP has a more consistent experience and a richer opportunity to serve citizens,” said Twohig.
Also providing a single-platform solution is the New York City–based software company, Mark43. The company began as an engineering project when the founders assessed a new policing model the Massachusetts State Police was implementing. After a week of accompanying officers on ride-alongs, responding to 911 calls, and serving warrants, the Mark43 team could more accurately identify how technology could better support policing. “Too often, we see departments’ operations and objectives dampened by limitations in their technology,” said Matthew Polega, co-founder and head of marketing.2
Nearly eight years later, the founders are continuing to provide modern capabilities for U.S. police departments through the Mark43 CAD. Built to mirror the way a dispatcher thinks, the platform seamlessly augments any action a user performs to process an event. With Mark43’s cloud-based technology, dispatchers, officers, and agency employees across police and fire services have the ability to quickly and easily share, record, and analyze data.
“We need a flexible paradigm that . . . delivers seamless, intelligent operability across all workflows in the public safety platform as a service. ”
The color, layout, and other design elements are meticulously selected to yield a positive experience for any user that needs to process an event accurately, quickly, and with ease.
The bidirectional, single-platform solution also houses Mark43 Records Management System (RMS), providing ease-of-use, reporting speed, and data accuracy. This allows dispatchers to review relevant, historical RMS data as soon as a person, vehicle, or location is identified.
An incident management software that features complete, integrated capabilities for call handling and dispatching, intelligent mapping, data reporting and analysis, and application integration is provided to law enforcement through the HxGN OnCall Dispatch suite. Headquartered out of Madison, Alabama, the Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure division has been redesigning their CAD systems for decades.

The technical director for public safety, Eric Smith, explains that new public safety threats have emerged, old threats have become more dangerous, and agency demands have increased in complexity as technology has evolved. Smith said, “The demands of this new public safety reality require a shift in focus, starting with dispatch.”3
HxGN OnCall Dispatch was developed to provide incident management capabilities for agencies of all sizes with all types of environments. Upon its debut in 2019, it was evident that PSAPs needed tools that reduce workload, increase productivity, and can accommodate a growing volume of users and their individual needs. One of the benefits of the HxGN OnCall portfolio is its ability to handle changes in configurations dynamically. These changes include modifying standard operating procedures, workflows, and automated notifications so first responders are getting the information they need sooner.
HxGN OnCall Dispatch is a CAD system; however, the user’s experience and ability to administer and maintain the platform’s mobile apps and browsers sets it apart from legacy CAD systems.
Mobile Apps

Some companies have also offered technology solutions that can be accessed from anywhere. One of these companies is DigitalBlue Software, LLC.
With the company’s EnforceNet app, features such as map location, one-to-one and group messaging, real-time unit status, and live emergency alerts transform a typical smart device into a mission-critical safety and communications tool for public safety. With simple integrations, EnforceNet can be used to access or be notified of information from devices such as cameras and sensors.
Herbert Severin III, president of Digital-Blue Software, explained that most information could be accessed through vehicle-mounted computers, but the challenge was accessing the data once the officer stepped away from the car.4 It became the company’s mission to close that gap for public safety.
The CJIS-compliant EnforceNet allows data to flow on a computer or smartphone from a 911 caller to dispatch and then be routed to the officers, firefighters, or EMS workers delivering emergency services. The app can be used to locate people and assets; communicate among individuals via IM, phone, and video calling; and deliver alert notifications from FEMA/IPAWS and other connected databases.
EnforceNet can be easily installed to an iOS, Android, or Windows device and is flexible to the user’s needs.
No aspect of the law enforcement field is stagnant. Because it is ever-changing, it is important for agency leaders to stay up to date on new technology for their staff. Not only could doing so better enrich the workflow processes within the office, but also the lives of those who call for help.
1Dan Twohig (vice president, Next Generation Core Services for Software, Motorola Solutions), email, January 13, 2021.
2Matthew Polega (co-founder and head of marketing, Mark43), email, January 8, 2021.
3Eric Smith (technical director for public safety, Hexagon’s Safety & Infrastructure division),email, December 22, 2020.
4Herbert D. Severin III (president, DigitalBlue Software, LLC), email, December 29, 2020.
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Government Leasing Law Enforcement LLC Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure LexisNexis Risk Solutions – Criminal Investigations Logistics Systems, Inc. (LogiSYS)