Product Update: January 2006

The Police Chief keeps you on the cutting edge of law enforcement technology with monthly product announcements. Items about new or improved products are based on news releases supplied by manufacturers and distributors; IACP endorsement is in no way implied.

Roadside message boards

Precision Solar Controls (PSC) introduces new product literature on its solar message centers, which use solar power and LED technology and allow users to change the message on display by sending a message through their cell phone. PSC offers three different solar message board models: the SMC 1000 solar message center, the SMC 2000 full-matrix solar message center, and the SMC 3000 miniature solar message center. Accessories include an NTCIP base station, a radar antenna, and a pintle hitch.

License plate security image

3M’s Traffic Safety Systems Division an­nounces the 3M Ensure Virtual Security Thread (VST), a product is designed to make it harder to alter or illegally duplicate vehicle license plates and make it easier for police officers to detect fraudulent tags. The Ensure VST incorporates an indelible, three-dimen-sional mark into reflective material that is designed to be nearly impossible to dupli­cate. The wavy pattern appears to float in the material. The Ensure VST is engineered to allow law officers to see the thread and verify a plate’s authenticity in both daylight and under nighttime reflective conditions.

Federal relief fraud investigation software

Memex Inc. announces the availability of ConTracker, a software application de­signed to provide intelligence support for law enforcement agencies combating fraud and exploitation of federal relief programs.

ConTracker is engineered to provide intelligence functionality in compliance with federal and local regulatory guidelines. ConTracker focuses on the collection, management, analysis, and dissemination of information pertaining to suspected scams related to disaster relief efforts. ConTracker is also designed to help law enforcement agents at federal, state, and local levels cooperate with other agencies to combat scams related to disaster relief efforts.

Personal transport device

Segway Inc. announces the introduction of the Segway Human Transporter (HT) i180 police package. The police package is based on the Segway HT i180 with lithium-ion (Li-Ion) bat­teries and is designed to include a complete set of accessories to enhance patrol and communi­ty policing applications of the Segway HT. The i180 police package includes a handlebar guard, a quick time-out key, reflective trim, a comfort mat, a handlebar bag, a cargo system, and an LED tail light.

Radar sign

Decatur Electronics Inc. announces its On-Site 200 radar dolly sign, which is designed to provide cost-effective speed and traffic monitoring solutions for police departments. The OnSite 200 radar sign unit is designed to mount on a portable dolly system for quick and easy deployment. It features 18-inch-high full matrix LED characters legible up to 1,000 feet and provides options for speed and safety monitoring of traffic flow. The OnSite 200 features tubular construction, of­fers a see-through design for safety, and in­cludes a K-band approach-only radar anten­na that detects vehicles up to 1,500 feet away. The message can be changed to alert readers to school zones, crosswalks, parking lots, public events, Neighborhood Watch or­ganizations, and short-term construction sites. The OnSite 200 may be combined with the optional EZ Stat traffic data package.

Warning light

Nova Electronics Inc. announces the Bull LED, a compact, high-intensity LED warning signal designed to fit a wide range of law enforcement vehicles. The Bull LED is designed to be compact and waterproof and engineered to be mounted to any surface. Fea­turing the latest in LED technology, the Bull LED contains three high-intensity, one-watt LEDs and customized optics that provide a wide-angle beam pattern. The Bull LED can be synchronized with up to 20 additional Bull LED heads to form a warning signal system. The Bull LED is available in all four safety colors: amber, blue, red, and white.


Perfection Uniforms announces that the New Tradition Series of police uniforms fea­turing the VISA System 3 moisture manage­ment and the Perfection stretch-and-support waistband are now available through Galls and will be featured in upcoming catalogs. Perfection also introduces its new logo, which bears the trademarked phrase “Pride through Performance.”

Armored vehicle

Autolliance announces the the MAT-V, a multipurpose armored tactical vehicle de­signed for public safety use during all types of emergency situations. The MAT-V’s armor, which is made of polyethylene fiber and titanium grade-2 sheeting, is designed to meet NIJ level 3 standards. The vehicle features a 6.5-liter turbo diesel V8 engine, a body made of aircraft aluminum, and four-wheel independent double A-frame suspen­sion with open-end coil springs and hydraulic shock absorbers.

Web investigation software

AdZone Research Inc. introduces NetGet, a computer program designed to find the presence of clandestine communication buried in virtually any Internet file. It is de­signed to track and identify pirates from around the world who illegally sell movies online and to monitor chat rooms and Web sites and provide law enforcement with cru­cial investigative data in the areas of home­land security, online sexual predators, gang activity, missing persons, and fugitives.

Handheld computer

DAP Technologies announces Microflex So­lutions Security (MS Security), a customized solution designed to combine DAP’s rugged handheld mobile computer, the Microflex CE3240, with an integrated smart card read­er, fingerprint scanner, and barcode reader. The result is a powerful handheld mobile computer fully loaded with all the tools re­quired for identification validation at se­cured locations. Weighing only one-pound, the ergonomic CE3240 handheld features an Intel XScale PXA255 400-megahertz proces­sor, 64 megabytes of RAM, ample memory to store and retrieve identification data and facial images; high-brightness TFT QVGA screen, and an ergonomic 22-key keypad to enable personal identification number entry. It is designed to withstand drops, vibrations, and fluctuating temperatures, including extreme cold and heat, and to be dust- and waterproof.

Photogrammetry system

Panoscan announces the introduction of PanoMetric, a photogrammetry system that is designed to measure inside panoramic im­ages with accuracy to a fraction of an inch. The system, which includes both hardware and software, is designed to eliminate the need for time-consuming physical measure­ment of indoor and outdoor spaces. To use PanoMetric, the investigator chooses two common points in two images, and Pano-Metric is engineered to deliver an accurate measurement almost instantly.