The Police Chief keeps you on the cutting edge of law enforcement technology with monthly product announcements. For free in-depth information, visit and insert the product number on the Reader Response Form (ideal when requesting information from more than one company). Items about new or improved products are based on news releases supplied by manufacturers and distributors; IACP endorsement is in no way implied.
Gunshot residue test kit
Law Enforcement Technologies announces the ISID-1, a gunshot residue test kit designed to produce results in the field in five minutes. To use the kit, an officer puts on the kit’s sterile gloves, wipes the suspect’s hands with a swab, places the swab face-up in the included specimen box, saturates the swab with the included reagent, waits five minutes, then studies the swab through the lid of the specimen box, looking for vivid blue or brown spots or specks on the white swab. Each spot indicates a positive read for GSR. This field test detects nitrocellulose down to 700 nanograms.
For more information, click here, and insert number 210 in the box on the Reader Service Number response service.
Threat advisory signs
Threat advisory warning signs from Uticom Systems Inc. are designed to serve as highly visible, easy-to-change postings of current national homeland security alerts regarding terrorist threat levels. Made of Lexan, the signs are engineered to be weather- and sun-resistant as well as easy to clean. Five interchangeable panels correspond to the DHS Homeland Security Advisory System’s color-coding of threat levels: green for low; blue for guarded; yellow for elevated; orange for high; and red for severe. Panels slide into aluminum tracks and are then button-snapped into place to secure them from wind and vibration. Signs are available in a variety of sizes.
For more information, click here, and insert number 211 in the box on the Reader Service Number response service.
Window tint meters
Laser Labs introduces tint meters designed to help officers detect illegal window tints on automobile windows. The meters are available in two models, Model 100 for windows that roll down, Model 200 for windows that do not. The units run on nine-volt batteries, can be used at any time of day or night, and are small enough to fit in a glove box.
For more information, click here, and insert number 212 in the box on the Reader Service Number response service.
Ballistic vest
Life Case announces the introduction of a ballistic briefcase and a ballistic purse designed to convert into ballistic vests in less than two seconds. Each unit continues to hold personal items even while it is worn as a vest. It is designed to defeat bullets fired from a range of submachine guns, handguns, and shotguns.
For more information, click here, and insert number 213 in the box on the Reader Service Number response service.
Pocket law manual
BNA Books announces the 2004 edition of the Law Officer’s Pocket Manual, which is designed to give law officers quick, reliable guidance based on the latest Supreme Court rulings and other legal developments. In nontechnical language, it covers arrest, search, surveillance, interrogation, and other routine and sensitive areas of law enforcement. The manual offers tips on seizing computer and electronic evidence, and it covers the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Designed for use in the field and in training, the manual lists defensible police practices and includes more than 100 practical examples drawn from leading cases.
For more information, click here, and insert number 214 in the box on the Reader Service Number response service.
Guide to chemical detectors
The International Safety Equipment Association introduces a new pamphlet, Chemical Agent Detection Guide for First Responders, designed to provide officers with practical information to help select the right chemical detection equipment for their needs. It covers such topics as selectivity, operational and product features, and training. It also includes a chart of handheld detection technology that indicates how the most widely available detector types compare against versus some of the selection factors detailed in the guide. A special section identifies the four classes of chemical warfare agents (nerve, blister, choking, and blood agents).
For more information, click here, and insert number 215 in the box on the Reader Service Number response service.
Biological agent detector
Smiths Detection introduces the Bio-Seeq, a handheld biological agent for first responders. The Bio-Seeq is designed to detect anthrax, smallpox, tularemia, and plague, among other biological agents in the field. The unit can process up to six samples simultaneously and produce results in as little as 20 minutes. The unit weighs 6.5 pounds and features an oversized keypad to allow officers to use it while wearing gloves. An LED warning light alerts users to danger.
For more information, click here, and insert number 216 in the box on the Reader Service Number response service.
Vest for dogs
K9 Top Coat introduces a full-coverage vest for police dogs. The vest is made of four-way stretch waterproof material lines with microfleece. It is designed to cover the entire chest, upper forelegs, and back, but it leaves the hindquarters free for mobility.
For more information, click here, and insert number 217 in the box on the Reader Service Number response service.
Heated windshield wipers
Northland Engineered Products announces a line of heated windshield wipers for police and other emergency vehicles. HotWipers feature Nordel elastomer wipers with stainless steel blades that are anodized black to eliminate glare. Wired directly into the vehicle’s electrical system, they employ a built-in etched-foil heating element to start deicing immediately. The wipers come in a range of sizes.
For more information, click here, and insert number 218 in the box on the Reader Service Number response service.
Mobile command post
Pierce Manufacturing Inc. introduces its mobile command post for police agencies, the first entry in the company’s new line of homeland protection vehicles being developed in partnership with LDV Inc. The command post features a Lance two-door custom cab with a 24-foot custom heavy rescue body. The vehicle is powered by a 500-horsepower Detroit Series 60 engine and equipped with TAK-4 independent front suspension. The command post’s interior comprises a forward communication and work area, an aft command room, and mid-positioned galley. The communications area features a TV, a VCR, and other communication equipment. The command room includes an L-shaped conference table, an electronic whiteboard, and video equipment; and the galley houses a restroom, a water cooler, a refrigerator, a microwave oven, a coffeemaker, and a sink.
For more information, click here, and insert number 219 in the box on the Reader Service Number response service.
Antidrug booklets
Syndistar Inc. announces Insight booklets, a series of nine publications designed to help juvenile officers and others teach low-literacy teens and young adults about the dangers of drugs. Each 600-word booklet deals with a specific threat: alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, LSD, methamphetamine, ecstasy, heroin, crack, and the major abused prescription drugs. The books employ a format, vocabulary, and design appropriate to those with poor reading skills. Sentences are short and simple, key messages are repeated, and full-color illustrations emphasize important points.
For more information, click here, and insert number 220 in the box on the Reader Service Number response service.
Patrol car seat organizer
Uncle Mike’s Law Enforcement announces a patrol car seat organizer designed to enhance officer safety and performance by keeping officers’ equipment in place and within reach. Constructed of scuff-resistant, water-repellant PVC-coated nylon fabric and heavy-duty zippers, the organizer sits flat against the passenger seat back and features an adjustable strap that secures it to the headrest. Several compartments help to organize files, ticket books, radios, cell phones, pens, and more. Side compartments are designed to hold water bottles, thermoses, flashlights, or umbrellas.
For more information, click here, and insert number 221 in the box on the Reader Service Number response service.
HP announces the introduction of the HP Rugged Notebook nr3600 and the HP Rugged Tablet PC tr3000. Designed to withstand long-term vibration, rain, dust, and extreme operating temperatures, these mobile PCs offer wireless features such as high-performance simultaneous wireless wide area network (WAN), local area network (LAN), and personal area network (PAN). At 7.9 pounds, the HP Rugged Notebook nr3600 is designed to balance performance, mobility, wireless features, and versatility. It features an ergonomic design, productivity-enhancing 12.1-inch display with a passive touch screen and a versatile MediaBay drive. The HP Rugged Tablet PC tr3000 is a lightweight, wireless, mobile tablet PC that combines an 8.4-inch touch screen, a full portfolio of security options, and a large breadth of integrated wireless connectivity capabilities.
For more information, click here, and insert number 222 in the box on the Reader Service Number response service.