Taking Up the Challenge: How State and Local Law Enforcement Leaders Are Responding to the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing Report

In May 2015, the Final Report of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing (task force report) was released to the public. The task force report was the culmination of Executive Order 13684, issued by U.S. President Obama on December 18, 2014, calling for the establishment of a national task force to “identify the best means to provide an effective partnership between law enforcement and local communities that reduces crime and increases trust.” The task force—comprising 11 noted leaders from law enforcement and related stakeholder professions, including then-Philadelphia Police Department Commissioner Charles Ramsey and former U.S. Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General Laurie Robinson (now a professor at George Mason University) who served as co-chairs—relied on information compiled from public listening sessions, public testimony from a diverse set of stakeholders, and submitted written testimony as it compiled its report.