The Emerging Dominance of AI

Technology advances in the 21st century will have a profound impact on law enforcement and society.

Robotics combined with artificial intelligence (AI) will challenge today’s conventional ideas about morality, ethics, and law enforcement. Generational changes and increased population diversity with greater immersion in technology will influence what society deems morally and legally acceptable in daily life and law enforcement. AI-enhanced robots with the capability for autonomous decision-making will be a reality by the end of the 21st century.

Since the beginning of recorded history, societies have usually sought out the wisest members of the tribe or community to administer justice. As humankind evolved, systems for the administration of justice also tended to evolve. With the advent of AI, many administrators and jurists believe that the opportunity to remove human bias from the system could be on the horizon. Many see AI as the next new opportunity to bring equity to the criminal justice system. The biggest hurdles thought likely to delay the acceptance of AI are the development of the skills needed to program computers that can duplicate human wisdom, empathy, and compassion.