Law enforcement agencies understand and acknowledge the value of training. Field training officer (FTO) programs primarily focus on guiding and training new officers through the various areas of police work for a specific amount of time. The FTO also conducts an evaluation of the new officers during the process to determine if they are successful or need remedial training in an area. Beyond the FTO stage, however, employee mentoring programs could also benefit existing officers, administrators, and the agency as a whole.
Defining Mentorship
Mentoring is a collaborative process where the mentee develops a relationship with a senior officer who they can lean on for support and knowledge. The senior officer (mentor) can also benefit, gaining new perspectives and developing leadership skills.
Law enforcement mentorship programs can increase recruitment and retention; contribute to a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive agency; promote employee development; and potentially reduce health care costs. A mentoring program adds substantial value to the employees, leadership, and agency and has the potential to benefit other law enforcement agencies and the community.