Traffic Safety Initiatives: Reducing Recidivism in DUI Offenders

The Impact of DRE Participation on Treatment Court Outcomes

The Spokane Municipal DUI Court is a treatment-oriented accountability court dedicated to changing the behavior of high-risk DUI offenders.

The court model utilizes a multidisciplinary team approach, including two drug recognition experts (DRE) from the Spokane, Washington, Police Department. Including a law enforcement officer as an active member of a DUI Court is statistically proven to reduce recidivism and lower court costs. Research shows when a law enforcement officer is a member of a treatment court team, recidivism is reduced by 88 percent compared to teams without law enforcement participation. Furthermore, law enforcement court session attendance lowers recidivism an additional 83 percent compared to courts where a law enforcement officer does not attend. In turn, higher graduation rates and reduced recidivism lead to lower costs.1