Transformational leadership theory is based on the principles of shared leadership, shared vision, and the continuing improvement of the individual.1 Leadership is seen as a social process stemming from the interaction between leaders and followers. Leadership is required throughout an organization. Police officers have to be leaders on the street during intense and often dangerous incidents. An organization’s vision must be shared with members of the organization to ensure the development of a sense of community. 2 Transformational leadership theorists such as W. Edwards Deming, Bernard Bass, and Peter Senge have suggested that training is the key determinant in the development of an organization.3 Training is the process that improves the competence level of the criminal justice professional in both law enforcement and corrections agencies, which in turn results in a more professional organization.
Most organizations have evolved into competitive models, creating tension between different sections, shifts, facilities, and districts. A competitive organizational focus increases the level of alienation staff might feel and complicates the communication process. Barriers among staff members have caused many organizations to become dysfunctional.