The membership of the IACP is the lifeblood of the association. Your voice and input matter to us, which is why we conducted a customer satisfaction survey to review the work of the association in 2013. We wanted to hear what you thought we did well and what you thought we should focus on for improvement in 2014.
First of all, I would like to thank all of you who took the time to complete the survey. Your thoughts on the effectiveness of the association are important to us.
Our survey was sent to the entire membership. Of the respondents, 61 percent were active members and 51 percent were from local law enforcement agencies, 5.4 percent were from state agencies, 5.7 percent were from county agencies or special districts, 0.4 percent were from tribal agencies, 5.8 percent were from college or university agencies, 1.2 percent were from transportation agencies, 5.4 percent were from federal agencies, 1 percent were from the military, and 2.3 percent were from security. IACP members who had been members of the association for two to five years made up 24 percent of the respondents, 13 percent were members of the IACP for one year or less, and 19 percent had been members for six to ten years.
We asked a total of 19 questions on the survey covering demographics, goals when joining the IACP, and feedback on your satisfaction with IACP programs and services.
Why You Joined the IACP
The majority of respondents (61.7 percent) joined the association for professional development, while 58.5 percent joined for networking opportunities, 51.5 percent joined for educational opportunities, 47.3 percent of the respondents felt it was important to join a professional association, and 30.4 percent joined because of the publications and materials we produce.
How We Performed
Overall, 86.7 percent of the respondents rated themselves satisfied or higher with the association’s overall performance. A breakdown of overall satisfaction shows that 34.3 percent of respondents are satisfied with the association’s performance, 33.9 percent are very satisfied, 18.5 percent are extremely satisfied, 12 percent are somewhat satisfied, and only 1.4 percent were not at all satisfied.
Has the IACP Helped You or Your Organization?
We wanted to know if what we are doing is helping you personally in your career. Are we standing true to our mission of Serving the Leaders of Today and Developing the Leaders of Tomorrow? According to the results, IACP has assisted 62 percent of the respondents in their career or in meeting goals.
Not only is it important to us that we develop strong leaders; we also want your organizations to be strong. The survey revealed that 63 percent of respondents feel that your membership with the IACP helped to benefit and strengthen your organization team.
What Are We Doing?
We are working hard to improve our services to our members and to keep you happy and well-informed. As you know, we rolled out the new IACP website in December 2013 to provide you with a more helpful and user-friendly site. We are constantly adding information to our website. It became clear to us from the survey results that many of you are unaware of the information we are providing on a daily basis through our social media outlets. Make sure you subscribe to our blog at, and you can also follow us on Twitter (@TheIACP) and like us on Facebook at Don’t forget to check out our YouTube channel at
We will continue to seek information from you on our services through additional surveys. Your insight is extremely important to us in evaluating our strengths and weakness. I encourage you all to take our surveys when they are sent to you. The 15 minutes it takes to fill one out are well worth the potential future results. In addition, feel free to reach out to me personally with any suggestions or concerns you may have. I can be reached at
IACP Names New Executive Director, Vincent Talucci
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Vincent (Vince) Talucci as the next executive director of the IACP, effective April 7, 2014. Mr. Talucci will succeed Bart R. Johnson.
Following the process established during the previous executive director search in 2011, the IACP Board and Executive Committee conducted a thorough qualifications review and candidate interview process. As a result of this process, it was decided that Mr. Vincent Talucci was the most qualified candidate for the position.
Mr. Talucci joined the IACP staff in 2002 and has held several senior positions within the association, most recently serving as Deputy Executive Director. From 2010 to 2012, Vincent left the IACP to gain private sector experience, working at SAS. The knowledge he gained through his private sector experience has significantly contributed to modernizing and advancing IACP operations, policies, and outreach efforts.
Prior to joining the IACP, Mr. Talucci worked at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) in various capacities from 1997 to 2002. He served as a Program Manager for the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), where he was responsible for the management of federally sponsored research and development efforts. Vince joined the DOJ as a Presidential Management Fellow after earning a master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Washington.
I am thrilled with the selection of Mr. Talucci to lead the association as the next executive director. Vince has a good understanding of the rich history, culture, and traditions of the IACP. He is fully aware of the challenges ahead of him and is ready to hit the ground running. He is a dedicated employee, and will work hard to grow the association.
Please join me in congratulating our new executive director, Vincent Talucci. ♦
Please cite as:
Yousry “Yost” Zakhary, “We’ve Heard from You: 2013 Customer Satisfaction Survey,” President’s Message, The Police Chief 81 (April 2014): 6.